Author: Andreas Lüdemann


How to Generate API Client Code in React (Native) Apps

Keeping your API client code updated whenever there’s a change in the back-end rest apis and models is tedious and error prone as a front-end developer. A better way would be if the API client code was kept updated automatically so you have one less thing to worry about.


3 EAS Pipelines for Deploying React Native Apps in Teams

One of the best ways to increase productivity in a react native project is to automate the process of deploying builds you want to share internally in your team or with actual costumers via the app store. And you might be surprised at how easy it can actually be implemented when you have the right set of tools like GitHub Actions and EAS.


Refactoring iOS Apps – A Pragmatic Guide

While your app and development teams grow larger, the codebase is inevitably going to scream for refactoring – that is, improvements in the design of the existing code. There are no silver bullets to refactoring, but iOS apps tend to get into the same pitfalls. Luckily, the common cases of refactoring can be mitigated by being in line with the following set of practices on improving and maintaining code while speeding up development.


Architecting a Logging Service for iOS Apps

Understanding how your apps behave in production is a fundamental part of our jobs as iOS engineers. We need to gather log events in order to investigate and reproduce issues that customers run into. Here’s how you create a log service with a clean architecture that’s modular and easily extensible.


Architecting an Analytics Service for iOS Apps

Monitoring the behavior of your app’s users is critical to the success of your app. If the only feedback you get from your users are App Store review, now is the right time to start using analytics. We’ll go over how you create an analytics service that’s modular and easily extensible using a clean iOS architecture.


Architecting a Feature Toggle Service for iOS Apps

Feature toggling is essential for keeping your apps flexible in production. Sometimes you want to try ideas fast to see if they stick. Maybe you want to split test two ideas and see what performs the best. Whatever the case may be, the feature toggling service should be highly scalable and not be a bottleneck in your workflow. Here’s how you create a feature toggling service with a clean iOS architecture.


The Ten Commandments of iOS Development

Here’s a set of key principles to guide you to do iOS development according to best practices. They are all about the bigger picture of iOS development, including processes and architecture decisions – not simply language specific challenges.


Continuous Integration Using GitHub Actions for iOS Projects

Github Actions are finally publicly released! It’s an opportunity to easily enable continuous integration in your projects on GitHub, so here’s how you set it up for your iOS projects to perform automated code validation and testing on pull requests.


Manage Your iOS Resources Type-Safely with R.swift

A common frustration with the iOS platform is that resources are accessed using magic strings. In practice, this means you’ll find out if an image, icon, localized string etc. exists at runtime. Either by seeing what you were hoping for or getting a hard crash. Let’s fix this by introducing your new best friend – R.swift.