Category: Automation


How to Generate API Client Code in React (Native) Apps

Keeping your API client code updated whenever there’s a change in the back-end rest apis and models is tedious and error prone as a front-end developer. A better way would be if the API client code was kept updated automatically so you have one less thing to worry about.


The Ten Commandments of iOS Development

Here’s a set of key principles to guide you to do iOS development according to best practices. They are all about the bigger picture of iOS development, including processes and architecture decisions – not simply language specific challenges.


Continuous Integration Using GitHub Actions for iOS Projects

Github Actions are finally publicly released! It’s an opportunity to easily enable continuous integration in your projects on GitHub, so here’s how you set it up for your iOS projects to perform automated code validation and testing on pull requests.


iOS Continuous Deployment Using Travis CI and Fastlane

Continuous Deployment (CD) is a practice of using automation to release your code in a quick and sustainable way. Here’s how you set up CD for iOS apps to perform automated building, code signing and deployment to the App Store.


iOS Continuous Integration Using Travis CI and Fastlane

Continuous Integration (CI) is a powerful practice to keep any app in a stable state throughout its development. Here’s how you set up CI for iOS apps to automatically perform code validation and testing whenever your code changes.


Automate Screenshot Framing with Text Using Fastlane

Framing your App Store screenshots greatly improves your store listing. But doing it manually takes hours away from perfecting your app. Instead, here’s how you automate the process of adding device frames and text to your screenshots.


Automate Screenshots for App Store Using Fastlane

Save yourself from spending hours on screenshots for the App Store. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you automate the process of taking screenshots for all supported screen sizes and languages.