Learn RxSwift From This Production App

QCards is an app built with RxSwift for creating smarter cue cards. Take a look through the source code as it's ultimately the fastest way to learn new things from a practical perspective.

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I created and launched the app QCards on the App Store to help out newcomers to RxSwift. Learning from an actual production app built with RxSwift is very different from just looking through examples you can find on GitHub, so here it is. The source code is publicly available on GitHub.

What are the key take aways of this app?

  • MVVM pattern using RxSwift to perform data binding between view models and views.
  • A clean three layer onion-architecture for increased modularization.
  • Using a navigation pattern to separate navigation from view controllers.
  • Implementing dark mode/theming with a reactive approach.
  • Fastlane snapshot to automatically grab localized snapshots and framing them.
  • Setting up unit and UI tests for an RxSwift project.
  • And much more...

Take a deep dive and check out how I go about creating apps using RxSwift.

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